Thursday, April 30, 2009


So I went up to the U for my triphasal ct scan. I had to drink not the usual 2 bottles of contrast but 3! It was more disgusting than I remember. I also have to have a IV medication during the last section of the exam. That, I dont think I will ever get used to. It is a horrible warm feeling you can feel run through your entire body and then ends up in your bladder all this happens within about 5 seconds  so you feel like you are going to
pee right on the table. ( I didnt thank goodness, but its always a fear!)
The tech did 3 scans altogether and then went to check with the radiologist before she un-hooked my from all my tubes. She came back about 5 minutes later and says to me" I have seen some pretty strange and horrible livers in my time and yours is pretty boring."


Well I told her thank you thats the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me!
I said "so you didnt find any lesions?" She said" I cant say if i did or didnt you have to wait for you Dr but its pretty boring to me!"
I dont know what this medical community is trying to do to my stress levels but enough is enough people. Give me some kind of straight answer here. Either its bad and I need a new one or I am going to live to be 99 and happy. 


Callie said...

I'm voting for 99 and happy! I'm sorry you had to go through all the testing and yucky drinks. You're such a trooper! Things are going to work out. Please keep me posted. On a side note... I hate that Dr.'s keep you on a costant roller coaster, drives me crazy.

Laura said...

Icky! But boring sounds good under the circumstances. I hope the doctor confirms the boringness of your liver.

Walt and Julie Johnson said...

Oh, I love boring livers! I hope that turns out to be the right adjective for yours. :) I'm going to echo Callie - You're a trooper!

Samantha said...

That's probably the first time when "boring" is a compliment. When do you talk to your doctor??

Tammy said...

I always hate the waiting for answers the most. I hope things look as good as she said.
We would sooo love to come to Utah this year, but I'm not sure it will happen. We are going to Disney world for Nat's Make A Wish trip in October. It is high time we took that trip. Maybe we'll squeeze Utah in...I would sooo love to.
Miss you guys!

Shellie said...

That's sounds like a real pain in the neck, but I'm so glad that so far your liver looks boring.

Sam and Stacia said...

I have to agree, sometimes I hate the medical world too, and I work in it! But I'm glad to hear your liver is boring! It sounds like good news to me :) Hang in there, I know you are a fighter; so strong and beautiful inside and out :) Love ya