Tuesday, May 4, 2010

5 years of our wonderful Owen!

This is how our little man started out his life. On may 5th 2005 at 544am after a non awesome c-section he came into this world. Owen was not breathing well on his own and needed some help, which led to a hole in his lung. The doctors ended up transferring him to another hospital in SLC. Sad day for Jeremy and I but they took very good care of him.
This was his home sweet home for the first 17 days of his life. Owen did really well after only about 2 days he was off the ventilator. After that he ended up needing a feeding tube with 2 bouts of jaundice he got really tired and needed some help.

This was the first day I got to hold our baby bear. He was 4 days old by then and he was the cutest thing I had ever seen! It was also my first mothers day which made it all the more special to hold my baby for the first time. Leaving him there and making the trip home without him was also one of the hardest days of my life.
Right before his first birthday we made the decision to fix his lazy eyes. The doctors did a great job fixing them but Owen's eyes were so sad looking for a while during the healing process. This picture still makes my eyes water.....sorry if its too much for you all.

In 2006 we went to Sea World with Rob and Cathy. It was so much fun and even though Owen was pretty little still he did awesome on the drive there and was so excited about Shamu!
There is not much I can say about this photo except I LOVE THIS KID! It was taken in 2007
We went through a serious pirate phase in 2008. He is such a sweetheart and he looks just like his papa.
Owen on his birthday 2009 celebrating with the Hamilton family. He is getting so tall!
This is our little man today 5 years old and acting so grown up. Losing his first tooth and about to start kindergarten in the fall. I remember him being born like it was yesterday and now he is about to start another phase of his life. I cant wait to see what happens in the next 5 years!